Thinked Deeply :)

Yeah, Grammar mistakes do make life interesting and funny. Anyways, It’s the last week of July, I came to my home here in Coimbatore and god, the climate so awesome here. As always, by this time of year, the wind is always cool from the trees, the stars are bright in the clear sky at night, and a cloudy one during the day time with mild drizzles all the time to keep the Coimbatorians comfy, comfy. Although it was tough, I wanted to leave chennai after a wonderful get together we had two weeks back..

[P.S : This post is gonna be a little long, if you have a lot of time to read, click the read more button or come back again later..]

About The Get Together,

Skip to the next section [My Journey Began], if you are really not into knowing about our gang get together..

As I mentioned in my previous post about the last get together, all of us were crazily planning for gang get-together day — July 21 (Whoa, I could remember this date 21, without even seeing the calender!). To talk about how this plan started, One evening, Chetna and Sri had called me together, we had a conference call about things were going on. And Sri said he would be coming to Chennai on 20th of this month. My last day in office was July 20th, and I had booked tickets that night to go home. Chetna had her dance classes for her performance at ITC Grand Chola, on July 22. Santhosh and his family were in progress of getting their new car to home. Although, everyone was kind of tied up, we all cancelled everything and decided to have a gang get-together. I cancelled the tickets and reserved tickets in the looong and stupid West Coast Express which takes about a day to reach Coimbatore from Chennai which would actually take only 7–8 hours in a normal train. Chetna cancelled her dance class and Santhosh somehow managed to reach us on Sunday. And so, it was settled, it was July 21, even before three weeks of that day, we started planning.

First it started with Sri, he gave an idea that we can goto a resort starting with MGM Eastwood Resorts. Then Chetna, told us to check out the Radison Blu Resorts. Karthik Balaje said we could go to a Theme Park. As a few days passed, we stopped planning about it and we wanted to start the fire again in the Whatsapp Group chat. Then Santhosh, said that we could go to an island named Mudhaliarkuppam (which was what I meant in my previous post) where we could have fun in the boats, see the sun rise in the early morning at Fisherman’s Cove. The days were getting close, it was Santhosh’s idea which lasted for about two weeks. I started dreaming how things were going to be, how those places are will look like and what kind of fun we will be having there. I even started a Google+ event thinking that this would be the final one. But as its my gang, as crazy it is, the plan started crumbling again. With no doubt, all of us couldn’t get up early at 4AM in the morning, and also the weather was kind of poor and unpredictable in Chennai. Rain was pouring and flooding the streets in that week and so we had to drop that plan too. The plan changed to a normal day-out with a movie and a restaurant but we wanted it to be unforegettable. At last, on the eve of my final day in my office (July 20), I called up everyone and asked for their suggestion what we going to the next day. Everyone were okay with the movie I told them and the restaurant was yet to be decided.

It was July 21,

The day had finally come! It was our Gang’s tentatively last get together day! Prior to the main course of the plan, there were little starters that most of the others couldn’t budge in. Me and Chetna first went to the besant nagar beach and enjoyed the awesome sight of the Bay of Bengal, and soon Abi and Ishwarya joined us for the breakfast at the Vasantha Bhavan restaurant. After finishing our breakfast, we hired an auto and moved straight to Sathyam Cinemas, where the guys had already got the tickets and moved into the theatre. It was the first time, I got to go to the Elite Class in the Sathyam Main Screen. It wasn’t that amazing, was okay but the surprising thing was that my former company’s CEO was there with us.

The movie we booked was Turbo 3D, it was PIXAR’s latest movie and I knew it was going to be interesting and inspiring especially to me. My friends also loved the movie, although it was kind of small in length. We took a lot of group snaps together in the bay of Sathyam Cinemas and we actually enjoyed it. Then we went to the gaming arena, named BLUR, having no idea what to do, that’s what make us unique — We’re like a bag of crazy apples and potatoes. And then we moved out again.

Later on, Sri and Santhosh was deciding the restaurant for Lunch and it was the Residency Towers that got the okay call. Once again, I had to get onboard with the girls again (couldn’t figure out why the guys leave me alone with them — the only reason I could judge is that all of them are fat :/ ) to the Residency Towers, Chennai.

After reaching the restaurant, Sri and Santhosh, booked the table for us and told us the lunch will be served at 1PM. It was around 12PM, and we were waiting in the lobby. We were forced to split into groups as there was less number of seats together and we were having quite talks. And here comes your favorite character, The Dhar. Dhar, I mean Dharani, was telling my gang how things are going in office and little of Android here-n-there too. Chetna, was unusually silent, I couldn’t bare my best friend sitting idle, it was driving me crazy. I knew something was disturbing her; as she was the not same as she was in the theater. After a while, we went out to get cash from the ATM and I thought I could bring her back again, but I ultimately failed :( .

At 1AM, we moved on to the 10th floor or so, the Crown of the Hotel, where our lunch was being served. It was a buffet, and there’s loads of things to eat and munch on but it wasn’t that good looking to give me a good appetite. We had a miniature magic show by a guy and it was really entertaining before we started our lunch. As always, I was dead silent, and I was looking around the hotel . It was kind of astonishing to see a lot of families in Chennai afford to have a grand buffet lunch in such a prestigious hotel and it kind of drove me that I should be able to do the same with my family in the future.

Mooooving on, we got our plates and started eating the various dishes. I couldn’t go more than a round and so I went directly went to the desserts. We had a grand lunch and we spent around 2 hours or so inside the hall talking and talking. As always, Everyone kept asking me, ‘Why am I so silent?’ and it was same question again and again to Abi too. After desserts, we went out to the terrace and enjoyed the cloudy view of Chennai. We could see almost all the east and west parts of the city clearly and we took several photos, one of which has become my profile photo on Whatsapp and Facebook.

Chetna had been telling us to go to the Tiruvanmaiyur beach where she saw some chutes by the beach. We were planning for the evening and set started off to the Anna Square first as there was a lack of buses en route to Adyar. We all got down at the Marina beach and we started walking towards the light house till we get information about the Tiruvanmaiyur beach where Santhosh and Karthik Balaje had went to enquire. We heard from them that were no parachutes there and so we all decided to goto the nearest Cafe Coffee Day near my hostel, which is one of my favorite spots to relax.

On the way, we sat down in a few places to rest while walking and we had a swell time. Me and Dharani went to the shop and got ourselves some water bottles to drink on the way. After finishing it up, Me and Abi went to the nearest corporation dust bin and threw the water bottles, and on the way, I was telling how me and Muhil akka used to do environmental cleaning stuff we used to do in my childhood days.

After half an hour or so, we started walking back to Cafe Coffee Day, and finally Chetna spoke well to me on the way and after reaching the coffee shop. I was very happy that she came back together after a long gap from morning :) . Addition to that, we had lots of fun inside the coffee shop by playing and having coffee and drinks for all of us.

Then it was finally our time to leave, the day went awesome. We all came out, bid farewell to each and took a few snaps, started back to our homes and hostels.

My Journey Began,

After reaching my hostel, I packed everything starting from my formals, my headphones and went to sleep soon. The next day, I opened up my eyes clean, mind freed wide open with nothing in my mind as I decided to really wanted to wake up last night. With my skullcandy plugged in, I listened to my inspirational set of songs in my playlist — from Split/Second game’s official sound track, Pokemon, a few from the Backstreet Boys.

I really could feel that everything till then was gonna be left behind, it was a completely fresh start. It was up to me to keep what I wanted and I didn’t. In the last year, I earned a group of friends, a little of experience in a corporate world, a lot of fun, a lot of love, and of course, my own earned money. Most importantly, I got the confidence that I can take care of my self and I live my life independently. While, the money I earned is completely used up, for rent, games I bought, the fees I paid for the college, my watch and my SkullCandy Headset. Only the thing, I materialistically had in my hands were my FastTrack watch and my SkullCandy headset. Looks like I spoke too soon, I lost my precious purple headset in the following train journey :( . The only things I have are my friends, the experience I gained from the world and my FastTrack watch.

On the way back home, my grandpa and grandma gave me lunch at the Katpadi Junction along with a bag of mangoes picked from our mango farm. Before I met them, I was fighting with my mom, that I hate their food and to tell them not to give me food. But after meeting them, I could feel their love for me even though I haven’t talked to them for over 3–4 years. I felt very touched in their enthusiasm and their interest in wrapping up the food for me, in a special banana leaf, covered up with paper. Maybe since, they were from a village background, they had struggled to get a use-and-throw plastic spoon for me to eat and they told me to take that spoon with me to home as they felt it was of a very good quality. The train was a very late to the railway station, because the train engine had a breakdown on the way and my grandparents had been waiting there almost for 4 hours for me. They did not even know what to talk with me, and being a silent guy, I didn’t know what to talk to them. They kept staring at me, till the train the started and thankfully, I bid farewell to them. I opened up the package, and I found it to be Tomato rice, one of the dishes I hate a lot. Over phone I had told my mom before meeting my parents, that I’ll throw away the package or bring it home without eating, but their love and affection, made me eat it all up. I felt very happy that there’s a some people in this world besides my friends to love me even without my notice.

After nearly 12 hours of journey in a stupid train, I reached Coimbatore at night. With big dreams to follow, I had my dinner and slept. The next day, I woke up with deep thinking about games, and would I able to do games. I opened up my recently bought domain, — and saw the simple “Welcome to PlayCroft” message getting displayed. I wanted to change it, so instantly I got up, had my shower and breakfast and started working on my gaming company’s website. Within hours, I was able to finish it with the help of various frameworks and plugins on the web and publicized it to my friends.

Could I really build games?

I know I’m good at programming, I know I have a lot of love for games, but was it possible for me to create great games, something which is considered the most difficult and the most challenging software that man has ever created? This were the questions that kept running in my mind a few hours after my website completion. I was not a big fan of Math, or physics — I knew I had an inspiration for Space Science and computers, gadgets and technology. But, Math, Physics and Trigonometry, Analytic Geometry, Artificial Intelligence form the basis of every game that has ever been created. When my friends tell me to create a lot of games (for fun or no fun), I used to think the same. How can me, who had never had interest in Math or Physics could become a good game developer. Well, I wanted to test it out myself.

And so I started, with Java. Saw a few tutorials, what game development was all about. Learnt a little basics and soon learnt that programming was only 1% of all those. Everything involved in developing games was purely Physics, Math and Geometry is some way or the other. Well, that’s true right? When we want to create virtual things that are true on the real world, we have use the same science to develop the same for the virtual gaming world.

And so I Thi…. ….ly ..(see the post title),

I started my deep hibernation process (yeah, the one you call, sleeping and dreaming), tried to wipe out everything in my mind, I mean ‘everything’. After 3 hours of deep hibernation, I woke up, opened up my MacBook Pro, opened up Eclipse IDE and started to make a simple game using Java myself. It was all based on math and physics and yet, I could tolerate it. I found that I can cope up with it and to my astonishment, I could make 2D platformer within 3–4 hours and that I gave me a hell load of confidence. From the mistakes I did in my past, I knew over confidence is a killer. So I turned to explore more into the world of game development beyond the basics. There were several books to learn, and Whoa! In a few minutes, I found that there’s a huge ocean in front of me and I had to catch every fish inside it. The web, which I had learnt from my childhood till now, was completely of no use (of course, I could use it later for doing web based games) but it didn’t give me the basis for anything in the gaming side. It was completely new to me, and I have to learn my way through to master my dream.

I wanted that confidence, that I can do it and that I’m on the right track and there I had it. My next fear was, how I am going to get a job? How am I going to publish my own games? How am I going to survive in a different place? How am I going to start my own company and employ my friends into it? How am I going to explore Europe & USA with Prince and Freddy? How am I going to get Chetna, her very own house in Besant Nagar? How am I going to get an AUDI for Ishwarya? How am I going to take Boo Boo to a trip to NASA? How can I take my family to a foreign tour? How can I start my own restaurants and coffee shops? How do I become a business partners with my friends like Nalini, Arumugam, who want to start their own ventures? How do I build a dark black tower with a Parithi ‘P’ logo in the middle of Gandhipuram, Coimbatore? How do I execute plans that I’ve never ever told anyone before? The answers for all these questions were still unanswered, and they required another week-long hibernation. I was thinking and thinking and thinking of the same things again and again and again just like this loooooong sentence is looong enough just to tell you one simple fact that I was just thinking while I was sleeping with eyes closed and mind completely awake. You could ask its tooooo much of a big dream, right? Well, If you aren’t new to this blog, you know [this] and that I dare to do the impossible. [Why? Coz, its fun! :)]

Having enough hope,

Last week, as planned was a very good hibernation week. I got enough hope I can make my dream come true with vibrant support from my friends as always. I didn’t want to get into game development again, I purposely started to simply sit and waste time, coz in the future, I will scold myself that I was simply sitting when I had time to learn and that will help me learn things faster with a lot more thirst to learn more when I’m into my game development school. But sitting simply is annoying for another fact, it makes me really really lonely, with no one chat with, since everyone are busy in their offices and colleges.

Oh wait, I have someone to accompany me…

Prince, my super buddy, is doing the same in his home at Madurai as he is in his work holidays and actually yesterday was his birthday. Although he doesn’t waste time like I do, he gave me company to play games online. And I also started to play several single player games I used to play while I was in college. With a little help for my dad’s work and my mom’s website, and some tunings to my current array of websites, I am finding myself to be busy although my public status message to all my friends, is just ‘being vetti at home jobless’.

Well, my hibernation and the aim I had come home had been fulfilled except for my hair-do I wanted to change. I also made several changes to my friends page, you could check that out here. Talking about friends, I wanted to take a moment to introduce you to Chetna, (whom most of you’ve asked me) and this is the end of this post for those of you who already know about her. Others read on.

There hasn’t been a proper start and end for her on my blog since she became my BFF during the days I stopped blogging. Through my hibernation, I was flash backing myself from July to previous June, and she was an important part of what I had become today. Here’s hows things started. As you maybe knowing, I am very silent guy, I don’t talk much with anyone before analyzing them at-least for a week. Although, I had a strong set in mind to change myself since I didn’t like myself for what I was, I was losing a lot of opportunities because of my shyness and qualities of that sort. When me and Chetna were bumped together as 506–507 by putting us into the same team at office, we were like 1 and 0. I mean, if she was binary true, I was binary false. She was studious, I was not. She was talkative, I was not. She was a North Indian, I was South. She got placed in multiple companies, I was not. She was not a tech geek, while I was. And more, she had a PC, and I had a Mac :D . There was nothing coherent between us but our focus and motive was the same. I wanted to be different from my past, I want to obtain the qualities that I lacked, I wanted to have an open world, an open friend, to whom I share “ANYTHING” [not even almost anything, its capital ‘anything’] with no limits and boundaries. At first, she didn’t actually like me because of what I was, and that was actually a good thing. Because of her hate, she started to change me, and since I actually was striving to be confident and to have better attitude like her, it catalyzed me to change myself at a faster rate. But I was always a little scared of her, and still am, and that fear is nothing but I may lose her. She was almost everything what Shubham was to me in my childhood days, a friend without limits, trusty, supportive and she saw me the same way I saw her as. And therefore, we both became really great friends. I’ve met a lot of people, tried to make a lot of BFFs, but no one have not even got close. It lead me to believe one of the greatest truths of life, that is ‘BFFs are not made, they are born — which soon became my Whatsapp status. She was perfect friend and by perfect, I do not mean that there will be no fights or misunderstandings between us. In perfect friendship, there could be a hell lot of fights, but the mutual understanding between us is what that really matters. She may get angry of me and I may get angry of her, but whenever we do, we immediately talk it out, understand each other and be awesome friends back again. I always wish all friends in this world to be the same way. With no hiding, secrecy, sharing without limits, zero possessiveness and a better understanding, the world would be an awesome place. As a symbol of our friendship, we created something called as the ChuKy WiKy Promise, which even resides in WikiPedia. It is a lock or a promise that no matter what happens, we will always be together by forgetting what ever misunderstanding we have between us. It is also something I want the future ChuKys and WiKys to have. I always knew BFFs and OFAKs were not meant to last with me, from my life’s experience, and it happened in her case too. She got placed in Accenture and she had moved to the new company. During February, when she left, I gave her a ChuKy doll in remembrance of me and I was with her during her last moments while she boarded the bus from Chennai being a consimite. We have departed and changed directions but our 506–507 memories and definition of true friendship will always haunt those places in our office for years to come…

If you knew about me and Chetna, and You’ve still read it through here, that’s great. The post isn’t over yet. During my hibernation, I planned a things to bring my dreams to come true. And I think this could be the perfect post to tell a few about it. A some of them are already publicized. My Dream is to create a network of services and products, with few of them named after one of my friends. Of course, the ideas are not revealed here, as this is a part of business. Starting with the Parithi Network,

Parithi Network :

  • PlayCroft Games — A Subsidary wholly based on Video Game Development
  • TechTwinklers — The Network to provide Students and Job Seekers about the information about Tech and Companies.
  • MobiShuttle — A Tech blog about latest smartphones and mobile gadgets.
  • FlickCircle — [Currently Dropped] A Movie Database, crafted the Indian way.
  • NeckBeads — My Mom’s Jewellery online store
  • ChuKy WiKy CoFy — A new class of Coffee Shops, uniting ChuKys and WiKys worldwide
  • Dhar Idlis — A New class of Idly shop, first of its kind Idly Shop in India.
  • BabyBar — Self-explanatory :D
  • The adventures of Boo Boo & Meeshu — A Series of Games based on a Dolly and a Teddy bear as they explore the world
  • Eggster — A Series of Movies & Games based on the character that I’ve dreamt of when I was kid.
  • Trainer TV — A Tv Channel for kids that it is totally unlike the TV channels that are available today.

Well, that’s wraps it up. Definitely a long post to read. But hey, you’ve got my future in a single page, so its kind of actually short. Today, marks the day of a new album by my favorite artist ‘The BackStreet Boys’. Not sure, how they release every album at every starting stage of my life :) . I bought the album today from iTunes, and the first song kept kept me tapping my feet while others went downhill. Here’s a few inspiring lyrics from that song,

In a world like this where some back down
I, I, know we’re gonna make it
In a time like this where love comes ‘round
I, I, know we gotta take it
In a world like this where people fall apart
In a time like this where nothing comes from the heart
In a world like this, I’ve got you