A Parotta’s Story 2..

Special classes had started this week, to finish up the portions at school and so I had to start early everyday. Having half a litre of milk almost everyday, I believe I am on the pace of becoming a super kitty soon. Anyhow, this story is about another search for parottas on the same road as I had written weeks ago.

Since the classes start at 11am everyday, we had to have lunch outside. Me, Deepak and Chelladurai started from our campus in search for parotta. I didn’t want to make any mistakes as we did last time and so, with a clean target, we decided to walk towards ‘Mylai Briyani’ shop where I as certain to have parottas. On the way to the shop, we spotted a good hotel which had a board saying ‘tiffen/meals ready’. Although the sign said it had parottas, we kept walking towards our target. I had promised my classmates that I will get them 3 parottas for 20 rupees and they too were much anticipated.

We walked and walked in the scorching sun, and soon we saw Mahendran and Palani walking towards us. Sankar, one of our classmates had parked Mahendran’s bike in the railway station platform without knowing that its an offence and they were just heading back from the court after paying the fine for it. They too were hungry and so they joined our search for the parottas. We reached ‘Mylai Briyani’ shop and we started washing our hands for the meal. But the hotel guy said that we don’t have parottas now, its only for dinner. Shocked to know that, we started walking back to the hotel were saw ‘tiffen/meals ready ‘ board and entered. We were almost sure that we’ll get parottas here but no, we didn’t. The waiter kept the banana leaves over our tables but we started walking out since there were no parottas.

The guys weren’t ready to listen to my next choice again, and so I had follow them in search for the parottas. I had recommended ‘Meenakshi Bhavan’ — one of my favourite yet expensive restaurants in the city, but they weren’t ready to have food there. And so, we started the walk towards a parotta shop in the far corner near the light house. We walked all the way back from Mylapore to ICAT once again, with an added 20 minute walk to light house.

Shockingly, once again all the parotta shops were closed but we were extremely hungry and so we dropped the mission. After searching through 3 shops, we finally decided to have Briyani for lunch instead and brings the end of Parotta Story 2.