Goodbye October.

Hurray, that horrible October is finally over and I am so relieved. With a hell load of changes in life which is not to easy to accept, a lot of bad lucky things happening wherever I go, a lot of unexpected twists and turns, starting up a new venture with Arumugam — October was definitely October like every other year. One of the biggest things, I failed to do last month was that I couldn’t blog at all. I thought I would skip a week at most but Whoa, I skipped a whole month. With all that I remember, I’ll try to sum up all the highlights of the past month. Yep, that includes both Good & Bad.

Let’s Go Through the Bad First :

Almost the whole month went unacceptably bad, right from the start and till the end. By bad, I don’t mean that something has affected my life, I just mean that my luck didn’t work out so well, things weren’t just favourable on my side. One of the examples could be the Parotta Story 2, which I’ve written before this. Alrighty, let’s start :

1. Became a True Lone Wolf :

‘Lone Wolf’ was more than just a status of mine on WhatsApp. After shifting to a new home, it was my responsibility to care of myself like taking proper food, washing clothes, and more. I began to feel the same way as I was in my old rented home back in June 2012. Although I go and meet Ishwarya almost every evening and spend a little time with my roommates every night, I still feel like I’m always alone like a Lone Wolf on the streets since I don’t talk with anyone for almost 95% of the day. I kind of love this, because it gives me so much time to think and plan for my future but it still hurts a little bit that I’m not with my pack.

2. Lost love for Music :

Losing my precious SkullCandy Headphones on one side, and not having anything to replace it, I almost lost my interest to listen to music. I don’t wish to buy a pair of headsets for my stupidity and besides I don’t earn anything either to buy another one.

3. Lost Focus of my temporary aim :

ICAT classes are still going but I don’t seem to see any improvement in the method of teaching. I did love a few classes in PhotoShop & Maya, it was the only thing I had learnt something new in this course till date. All this made me lost focus in becoming a gamer, but still I want to become a professional in Game making at-least for a few years before I become an entrepreneur.

4. Unluckiness was a default expectation :

Like every other year, almost at every corner and every time, my luck was totally against me. Getting caught by the police with Arumugam while we were planning for our joint venture, continuously inspected by the Ticket checker both in bus and train, not getting food in every hotel wherever I go, just when I feel hungry are just few of the most unluckiest things that kept happening to me last month.

5. Unacceptably horrible events for my friends :

Some of the unacceptably horrible events that I don’t want to mention on this post, happened to some of my friends namely Freddy and Kirthika.

6. Lost faith in people & Lost friends :

Being an OFAK month, October should the one which gets one step closer to all my OFAK friends. Although it did became very true in the case of Abi, the completely opposite happened to others. Of course, getting a reply from Kaushika for my birthday wish and talking with Muhil akka regarding her project made me feel happy, it also reminds that people do change, no one will be the same as time passes by. It was also Lilly’s birthday that month, who did not even reply to birthday wish.

7. Started saying ‘I don’t have time’ :

I know only losers say “I don’t have time”, and to be true, I started saying that. Although I don’t have a job, and the only thing to do for me is study — I’m unable to do that. While my classmates in school keep playing games, learn new languages to create games, I’m unable to concentrate with the multiple plans that I have on my schedule. The worst part is that, I was unable to complete even the most simplest things properly that I can make myself feel proud of. I’m very aware of this mistake I’m doing, and have already started rescheduling my plans even more efficiently so that I can both concentrate on both fun and work in my life.

Well, now the Good :

1. Moved out of the horrible Hostel :

I was waiting to write about this for a month but I couldn’t do it. Moving to the to the new home is one the best things that had happened in October. Although I’m not aware how much amount of money is being saved because of this, but I’m very sure that I started to eat a lot. I really feel the difference inside me. With lots and lots of milk, fruits and vegetables a few times, and rice as a meal at any part of the day, I feel so much healthier. Every morning, I have to wake up at 6, seeing the sun rise and pump water from the corporation motor pump which is an awesome exercise, then making some delicious breakfast for myself, and going to school by afternoon after a quite a bit of learning by doing homework and meeting Ishwarya at every night does make me feel the day look great when comparing to the darkened room of evilness, sleeping all the time in hostel.

Shopping at Sowcarpet with Boo Boo & Ishu :

Well, here the story about my friends begins. The Indira Nagar railway station is just a 20 minute walk from my home and its even more closer for Ishwarya from her hostel, which is something we realized only last month. Traveling by train have always been my way of roaming the city and now it has become one step closer. Ishwarya wanted to do shopping for Diwali and so she, Abi and myself wanted to go to Sowcarpet to purchase dresses for her. By afternoon, me and Ishwarya started off from her hostel and went to the Indira Nagar railway station. We came up to the wrong platform and so being lazy, we crossed the tracks (which I learnt that we are not supposed to) and came to the correct one. Abi started from Chromepet and she was already waiting that Fort station for us. After reaching Fort, with a lot of help for directions to goto Sowcarpet from others, we started walking. We entered into one of the clumsiest part of the city, where almost everything were like the ones was like the the stores I saw in Ludhiana, almost every one was owned by North Indians. We wanted to get to ‘Shree Jee Style’, a women’s clothing store which Ishwarya’s friend Bhuvana had recommended. We were searching a lot for it in the long street, and on the way I bought a small tap filter for our home. After almost an hour, we found the store that it is being renovated and so, it has been moved temporarily to another sport. Since we came all the way and searched a lot for this, we didn’t wanted to leave it. So we continued the search and finally found it at a small corner by the street, we went in and I was surprised how so much of crowd are interested to buy dresses from these small shops in the city. I was waiting outside the shop while Ishwarya and Abi were selecting dresses inside, but soon a kid opened the door to reveal that the store is actually filled with AC, I rushed in wearing my sandals. The shopkeeper told me to remove them and come inside, and I did. After coming in, I felt so much happy sitting in the soft pillow like seats in a room filled with AC. Surprising almost all the dresses that store looked good, and Ishwarya for the very first time, selected a beautiful dress that she liked a lot which was expensive too. She was very happy about the dress that she selected and she loved it. After taking two dresses, we moved out with a lot of satisfaction, the horrible streets roaming for two hours was definitely worth it after taking such a lovely dress which all of us loved a lot. To celebrate, we went to a classy North Indian Chat stall and had sweets and sandwiches to continue back to our home/hostels.

But in the end, it didn’t go so well, the dress which she loved so badly couldn’t be worn on Diwali, as the dress couldn’t reach her after stitching it in time. She had to buy another new cheaper dress once again for Diwali :( .

Abi’s Birthday :

One of the highlights of this month was Abi’s birthday. Me and Ishwarya wanted it to be really special for her and so we bought a purse filled with her favorite stationary materials and wrapped it up in a cooky silver paper. It was very surprising for us that Dharani also wanted to join us for Abi’s birthday and we were pretty excited. Chetna had said she’ll be joining us but unfortunately, she couldn’t meet us in time. Santhosh was having his classes and so he too couldn’t join us. Me, Ishwarya and Dharani started off from Indira Nagar at the early morning and headed towards Chromepet. As she was having exams the next day, we did not want her to come a long way out since she had much to study. The three of us got down at Chromepet railway station and although we know she was waiting near there, we sneaked out and went to a bakery to get a cake for birthday.

After getting a cake, we walked back to the railway station and saw Abi in a wonderful cooky colored dress and wished happy birthday. After taking a few snaps, we walked to Vasantha Bhavan, to have our breakfast. We went to the AC hall, and gave her the gifts for her birthday. While I was snapping each and every moment, Abi was unwrapping the gifts one by one and she was pretty excited. After finishing breakfast, we thought of going to a temple but as it was getting late for Abi, we started off from Chromepet in the afternoon. Me, Ishwarya and Dharani went to the Spencer Plaza, one of the oldest malls in Chennai and we were roaming there for about two hours. I got myself a drink of Milo after a long time and we saw a team of guys trying to make a guiness world record by collecting the largest number of books in one day.

Later that evening, Ishwarya had went to hostel while Me and Dharani went with Sunel to the Nandanam Restaurant after a lot of searching here and there. It was a very nice hotel, I really loved the kerala cuisine based meals they have there. It was a complete day for all of us and I hope Abi loved her first birthday filled with cookyness.

The Six Pack :

No, don’t check my tummy, I didn’t get any six packs and all. By Six Pack, I mean the six days I spent to be with Abi continuously in a row. Why is that special? It’s special because, just like Chetna — Abi is too far from our locality and so I don’t get time to meet her often. But the six days of meeting her continuously really made me feel something different and special, and that’s why this is starred on this post.

It was about the time of Pooja holidays, when Me and Abi go together in a bus to Coimbatore for the very first time. On the second weekend of October, that friday evening, I had finally given my Reliance Netconnect+ to Arumugam and he accompanied me to office to meet up with Ishwarya. It was the first time, my college circle is getting clashed with my other circle of friends, which is my consim circle in this case. Me and Arumugam had a bet worth Rs.10 that Ishwarya wouldn’t recognize him when she meets him. But I stated, just after Ishwarya came down from the office, he had recognized her and the Rs.10 was mine. Later on, Me, Ishwarya and Vijayakanth got into a taxi and started off to Koyembedu bus stand. It was the first time, that Me, Ishwarya, Chetna and Abi could started to our native places from the same place for the first time. But although we were roaming in Koyembedu, we were unable to meet Chetna since she was stuck in traffic and her late office timings :( . After getting down at Koyembedu, we joined with Abi and started searching for a hotel to have dinner. All the hotels were completely filled, we spent almost half an hour waiting in various hotels. As time passed, Ishwarya’s slippers had torn apart and so she had to get them replaced by going to her grandma’s house which was just nearby. Ishwarya and Abi went off to get that job done, while me and Vijayakanth walk another 200 meters to find out there’s a Sangeetha restaurant nearby. We both went in and had our dinner, I ordered Chilly Parotta, which comes a free ‘Pepsi’. If you are going to ask, ‘What?? Parithi, drinking Pepsi??’, Well, your expectation of me getting into trouble, gets fulfilled real soon. We got parcels for the girls and we gave it to them. After bidding farewell to Ishwarya, who had to get bus in the government SETC depot, we three walked towards the depot where the travels and omni buses will halt. I was already in a bit of tension in searching for the travels in which I had booked, since the ticket was not having any mobile numbers. We reached the Majestic complex where the office was situated and Vijayakanth told me to go and search for the office, and told Abi to wait with him. But Abi joined me and we climbed up the complex and was relieved to see our travels office admist the middle of the first floor. The guys in the office checked our particulars and told us to wait for the bus that would be coming later. Me and Abi were waiting for almost an hour in the humid and airless place, fully sweating and standing in front of the office after notifying Vijayakanth that we found the office. We were worried about Ishwarya that she was waiting there alone, but no, God sent GnanaPrakash to give her some company :) . Later on, when the bus started, Chetna too joined her and they started off to Trichy.

After our bus came, we got in and started off to Coimbatore. Abi had her parceled up dinner and after a little talk of over 5 minutes, we went to sleep. The bus was having a giant TV screen with a speaker under our legs, which disturbed my sleep a lot. The seating was horribly spaced out, and so I couldn’t even move my legs. Somehow I managed to get myself into sleep and that was Day 1 with Abi.

Day 2, the dawn broke up, I was filled with sleeplessness and Abi was waking me up to see the sunrise. We were on the highway towards Coimbatore and I was feeling very nauseous thanks to the evil Pepsi. Yep, those who know me during the Bangalore IV Trip, please don’t try to remember what happened. I tried a lot a lot to get back to sleep but I couldn’t sleep at all. At one point, I twitched a muscle in my right arm while getting up and there it started, I felt a sudden unbearable extreme pain that immediately blanked my eye-sight to a space of whiteness, with sounds hearing like everything in life is being fast forwarded and I was to about to faint. With the little consciousness I had, I somehow managed to turnover opposite to Abi, and immediately fainted down to the seat, shutting down all my systems and started up recovery process. After 15 minutes I guess, I didn’t even know for how much long I was out cold, I woke up with ‘Where am I?’ and I was surprised to see Abi sitting near me in a bus. Quickly remembering what all had happened, I just lied down and tried to relax while Abi was keep on staring at me like a Meer Cat. I was upset that I’ve been giving a good company to talk as we moved towards Coimbatore, but there was nothing I could do. On seeing me suffering a lot, Abi exchanged seats, so that I’ll get more oxygen and then I started to sleep somehow. After reaching Coimbatore, she held my hand and walked me up to the street where my taxi was about to come. Her dad had came there to pick her up, and soon my taxi too came and I reached my home safely. And that was it, I spent that whole day in bed sleeping.

Day 3, It was a sunday, and I had planned to visit Abi’s home for the first time. She said she’ll prepare tea for me when I reach her home and so I started off after having my breakfast and got the bus to Venkatapuram. I used to blame bus no.70 and no.11 when I was in college as it goes through the places that I never needed to go, but those two buses were ones to get me reach her home now. I got down at Venkatapuram and took snaps of Abi’s school, the ‘Avila Convent’ and I was walking towards the next stop to get bus to TVS nagar. On the way I was thinking about the people of Coimbatore, how backward they are in terms of modernism and technology. I reached TVS Nagar, and Abi was there to walk me up to her home. I was welcomed by her dad and her family as I sat down the couch with a lot of fear. They gave me a lot of my favorite rasgullas, I felt as if her dad already know a lot about me. He acknowledged it, by saying that Abi has told him about me. Although I love rasgullas, I wasn’t able to eat them all, because of fear maybe. Abi prepared tea for me, there it was, a long time achievement unlocked! She showed me a lot of her childhood photos and we were playing with her little sister Gangarathi, whom I call, the Destroyer as she passed all the tests of mine including the bird origami destruction test. After two hours or so, it was time to leave to my home to have lunch and so I bid farewell to all and went to my home. Having one of the weirdest haircuts I’ve ever had, I almost lost my status of having spikes because of the new stylist. After packing up the things, I started off to the railway station in the taxi from home and on the way I picked up Abi too. Since, it was a bit early, she didn’t have dinner. After we reached the station, we had a lot of time for our train and so we were waiting in a seat. I was surprised to hear that her dad packed up some sundal for me to have in the station and Abi was having her dinner. Almost 10 minutes before the departure of the train, we started from the waiting seat and moved towards the train platform. Not knowing that the train was only half linked, we were searching for our compartment. It was a lot of fun, holding hands with each other and running from the first and till the end three times back and forth and yet not finding our compartment. Just 2 minutes before, the departure, the remaining compartments were attached to our train and we got in. Surprisingly, like all the time when I went to Coimbatore/Chennai alone by myself, the seats were empty near me with no one to occupy. We threw our bags to the middle berths, and pulled down the side lower berth and sat together in the middle. We were having a lot of fun talking about our friends and families as the train started. It was a dream come true for me to have a friend beside me to talk with and with no one around, when I’m going to Chennai. All the lights were off, I could see Abi’s face with full of glee as she gleamed in the moonlight falling on her. By the time we were talking, It was Kaushika’s birthday, it was 11 years since I meet my old friend, and I wanted it to be different. For a change, I decided to make Abi send the birthday wish to her as I typed and at around 12 AM midnight, we sent the message to her. I was telling a lot of stories from my past and she was doing the same, we felt really really close together, and even though it was getting really late, we still we didn’t want to sleep. I took the initiative and went to sleep first, while Abi was still poking her phone screen for something. I said good night and went to sleep feeling that this could be the best train rides I’ve ever had in my life.

Day 4, it was Monday, and it was a holiday. We reached Chennai at around 5AM in the morning and I wanted to go to the beach to see the sun rise. And so, without brushing our teeth, we took a bus to the Marina Beach and reached it on time to see the sun rise. We walked on the sand together till the edge and sat down waiting for the sun to come up. The sun rose beautifully over the horizon, but still hiding behind the clouds, we really loved the view as we were commenting on it how it is rising. We were there for half an hour and then started off to the Triplicane railway station to get back to our home/hostel.

Day 5, it was Tuesday, holiday for Abi but not for Me and Ishwarya. Ishwarya had just reached Chennai and she had started to office. Abi decided to apply for PF that day, and so she was planning to come to office. She started off in the early morning and came into Indira Nagar. I wanted to meet her too, but she told me to wait she tells me to start from my home. I knew there was going to be surprise waiting, and yes I was right. She gave me a Cadbury Gems Ball, as a treat for her cousin brother’s marriage fix. I did not have breakfast and so we went to Adyar Anantha Bhavan and had my breakfast in the morning. Later we went to office while I waited downstairs, while Abi was finishing her PF application procedure. Abi wanted me to be with her the rest of the day, and I was also thinking to bunk the stupid ICAT class, and Ishwarya ordered me to put leave and be with Abi. So saying, I took the day off. Dharani, Ishwarya and Abi had lunch in the terazza while I was sitting simply. Later on, I decided to get the experience certificate, so after bidding farewell to Ishwarya and Dharani, we started towards the Adyar Corporate Office of Once again, we went into Adyar Anandha Bhavan and I had my lunch. After half an hour, we went to the Adyar office and we were waiting to get my experience certificate. We waiting in the reception for the HR to come and we were discussing that this was fifth day continuously we are being together. After a while, the HR came and gave me my experience certificate which had a mistake in it. I was thinking that this was the last time I would be going to that office, but no, that mistake would eventually help me get inside the office again. Later that evening, we wanted to goto the Ayappan Temple, so we started off from Adyar and went to MRC nagar. For a change, we got down at the Music college bus stop and started walking. On the way, we sat down at a bus stop as we were tired . I was telling about my childhood stories to Abi and I didn’t realize that an hour has passed as I started to talk. Feeling a bit sorry, we went to the temple and Abi started off to her hostel. Dharani had given me his card to take some cash out of it and it was accidentally got stuck with Abi while she was on her way.

Day 6, this was totally unexpected. Dharani wanted his card back and so I had to go to Chromepet to retrieve the card from Abi. After the school was over, I got a lift from Chelladurai and went to Thirumailai Railway station to get the train. As perfectly planned out, I reached Chromepet at exactly 7.15 and obtained the card from Abi. We both went to a temple which I found to be very divine and authentic unlike other temples I’ve seen. We walked for around 20 minutes and after reaching her hostel, we departed with a difficult good bye after 6 continuous long days of being together. I ran back to the railway station and started to Indira Nagar to meet up with Ishwarya.

Probably this is one of the biggest and memorable events that happened in October and I was really surprised with this. I was not expecting that his would happen once again, but no, it did happen again with the ‘Six Pack 2’, you wouldn’t be able to read it through, would you? I’ll sum that up in another post. Let’s continue with the goods of October.

Met Chetna after a long time :

After a long time, i.e., after Chetna’s birthday, I was able to meet her again. Me, Chetna, Ishwarya, Abi and Gowtham met at Skywalk for a little shopping. We had a good time with Ishwarya’s cousin sister, and did a little shopping for Chetna. Even though I met her with a lot of anticipation, I still miss the old Chet as she used to be when she was with me in Consim.

Started using my Mac extensively :

One of the biggest things that has changed in the past year is that I’ve started using my MacBook Pro very well and the internet too.

Kind of realised what I really am, Started doing what I really wanted to do :

With the birth of BridgeThoughts, Me and Arumugam have finally started working on what I really wanted to do and I’m finding it really engaging.

I know I have left a little bit here and there that has happened past october but I’ve covered almost everything that happened. Anyhow, the October is over.I’m really glad about it, and november has already begun with a lot of fun and surprises. As I had set last month, I have completely started to focus on people who care about me alot and it does feel the same way as I was in my college years.