I’m On The Road..

Like I said in my previous post, It’s been exactly an year after I left BharatMatrimony (One of the best decisions I’ve ever taken in my life). Thanks to Ishwarya, for reminding me on July 22nd, my last day at office an year back. After nearly an year of being a VIP (Velaiyilla Pattathari), a lot of this and that happened, and now I’m almost going to complete two months of work at CompuSystems. The work allotted to me was extremely challenging and was a really difficult task (atleast to me). At first I was really scared how I’m going to complete it. I was sitting with same set of class files and was tinkering here and there, reading a lot of articles and books on OpenGL ES to figure out a way to finish my work. As days passed, I was quietly progressing step by step in a placid manner and I was getting some confidence I’ll be finishing this task soon. And yesterday, that final day had come. Once again, I was able to accomplish what I thought was impossible a month back after which I also a serious unbearable headache. I had finally finished my first milestone which I had kept to myself in the company and I’m almost ready to move the next task. During the course of these two months, I was not able to concentrate on anything else. Although, I got myself a new Sony Xperia Z2, my upgraded Xype, I was not yet fully happy it since I was thinking myself worth it for having such a premium class device. Almost three by fourth of the nights in the last two months, I was thinking how to finish that task, with a few wholly sleepless ones. I was not able to ask help on this to anyone, I wasn’t able to clearly describe the situation in which I was in to many, it was like I have to isolate myself on this until I find a solution for it. Meeting Ishwarya, too became like meeting every other consimite, that is once a month. It still amazes me that I had met Ishwarya only once in the month of June, in spite of being just a few blocks away. Having conversations with others became a rare scenario in my life and some times I don’t even know what to talk when I get a chance. Anyways, its all of part of the ‘change’ we all know.

The strange thing is, I was not only the one with sudden difficult challenges in the past two months. Almost all my close friends got some problem on their own, which was not unexplainable to others. Hiding the problems to ourselves and cheering each other to move forward with confidence was the only way to go. My life had completely became like this, a workaholic :


Funny as it is, it’s hard truth. Well, it isn’t all that bad, it’s just how things are now and they are clearly moving up a lot better. In a few days, I’m going to attend the Landmark Forum and hope to go on a few trekking trips with friends in the next few months. I even wish to do a few travelogues by myself and I hope you’ll all be seeing them pretty soon here (Yep, just another announcement you may never see :P). Well, thats about it, I shall update when things really start to happen. For now, one thing is for sure, I’m on the road…